Темпус в Узбекистане

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Education reform in Uzbekistan

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Fundamental changes in the education system of Uzbekistan were started in 1997 by the new law "On Education" and National Program on Personnel Training. Importance of reforming the education system should be considered in the demographic aspect of Uzbekistan: according to UNICEF monitoring report for the year 2003 - 11 million out of 26 million population - is under the age of 17 years, accounting for 42% of the total population.

National Program for Personnel Training (NPPT) is a long term program to improve the education and development of continuing education in the country.

The program is designed for three phases of implementation:

The first phase (1997-2001) laid the legal, personnel, scientific-methodological and financial basis for reforming and developing the educational system. Implementation of the program became an integral part of all public, academic, industrial and governmental structures, beginning a new system of continuous education, including new types of specialized secondary educational institutions (professional colleges and academic lyceums) and two-tier system of higher education.

The second phase (2001-2005) targeted on full implementation NPPT based on the results of monitoring the previous phase; a particular importance at this phase is given to improve the quality of education and training of teachers.

The third phase (since 2005) - improvement and further development of the program. Increased international cooperation is seen as a mechanism for achieving the objectives of the National Program.


New Annual publication “Tempus IV in Uzbekistan-2013”

The National Tempus Office has published the next edition of “Tempus IV in Uzbekistan-2013” in order to support the information activities of Tempus projects and dissemination of the best practice of partnerships with EU universities (download here).
Diversity of activities and achievements of Tempus projects are presented by specific examples described by coordinators and participants from Uzbek universities and their partners from the EU and CIS countries.

NTO express their special gratitude to all authors who have contributed with papers that are included in this publication.
The editorial team would be grateful for any comments  and suggestions please  communicated  to the NTO  to email:


National Tempus Office in Uzbekistan

107B Amir Temur St.
11th Floor
Tashkent 100084, Uzbekistan
Tel.:+(998-71) 2389921, 2389918
Fax: +(998-71) 2385899




The website has been funded within the framework of the European Union Tempus programme which is funded by the Directorate General for Development and Co-operation – EuropeAid (DEVCO) and the Directorate General for Enlargement (DG ELARG).


This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.