Since the start of the programme in 1994 European Commission has allocated 22,16 million euro for financing 79 Tempus projects in Uzbekistan.
Tempus II: 6.14 million euro (1994-2000)
Tempus III: 11.3 million euro (2000-2006)
Tempus IV: 3.6 million euro (2008-2010)
During the period of the programme implementation 45 higher education institutions (HEIs) and 38 non-academic organisations throughout the country, in cooperation with more than 100 universities from 20 European Union countries, have participated in programme activities.
In the framework of Tempus III (2000-2006) 122 people have benefited of Individual Mobility Grants (IMGs).
The biggest number of Tempus projects in Uzbekistan has supported the development of new curricula and courses for Masters’ and Bachelors’ programmes, mainly in the field of engineering and applied technologies, ensuring their relevance to the local labor market needs through direct involvement of enterprises, branch ministries and other non-academic organisations. Curricula Development Projects were especially important because of their direct links to the National Programme for Personal Training (NPPT) and in particular with the introduction of the two-level higher education system.
At the beginning of 2011 10 Tempus projects (7JP & 3SM) with participation of 8 HEIs of Tashkent and 9 HEIs from 6 regions of the country (Samarkand, Bukhara, Khorezm, Kashkadarya, Andijan and Fergana) are being implemented in Uzbekistan. 17 Uzbek HEIs in cooperation with 48 EU Universities from 18 EU countries and 7 non-academic partners are participating in carrying out of the projects. Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education is a member of three project consortia. The most active participants are: Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute, Bukhara State University, Urgench State University and Karshi Engineering Economic Institute.
Tempus IV (2007-2013) in Uzbekistan: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th call for proposals
Projects selected in the framework of the First call of Tempus IV:
NMPLIS: New Masters Programme on Library and Information Science (
PERSEUS: Plan to establish Research-Science-Enterprise oriented Universities for the benefit of Society (
AIDA: Awareness raising, Interest development, Desire creation and Action stimulation on the Bologna Process expansion in Central Asian countries and Russia (
Projects selected in the framework of the Second call of Tempus IV:
CANDI: Teaching Competency and Infrastructure for e-Learning and Retraining (
HEICA: Higher Education Initiative for Informatics in Central Asia (
SWAN: Towards Sustainable Water Recourses Management in Central Asia (
UNIQTOOL: Implementing tools and policies for quality work at institutional level (
Projects selected in the framework of the Third call of Tempus IV:
PROMENG: Practice oriented Master Programmes in Engineering in RU, UA and UZ (
CIBELES: Curriculum Invoking Bologna-aligned Education Leading to reform in Environmental Studies (
UnIvEnt: Enhancement of role of universities in transfer of innovations into enterprise
Projects selected in the framework of the Fourth call of Tempus IV:
QAPD: Enhancement of Quality Assurance System through Professional Development of Academic Leaders (
EPASAT: Environment protection through development and application of sustainable Agriculture Technologies
TERSID: Technical Education on Resource Savings for Industrial Development
ISMU: Institute for Strategic Management of Universities
Here you can download the more detailed information about the ongoing projects in Uzbekistan.